Water Quality Testing near me in Torrington my area

Torrington CT Water Quality Test

Torrington Connecticut Water Quality TestingOften times, Torrington, CT homeowners, like yourself, don’t even realize that they should be testing their private well water routinely. What you don’t know about your drinking water may be harmful to your health. Certain contaminants can even damage your inside plumbing and seriously damage bathroom sinks, toilets, showers and bathtubs.

You are responsible for your drinking water quality: If you are living in a home and the water source is a well, you are responsible for maintaining it’s quality for the duration.

How you ask? At the very least, you need to monitor your water for contaminants, like bacteria and nitrate on a yearly basis. If there has been recent construction at or around you Torrington, CT property, then further evaluation is strongly recommended.

Man of the of the substances found in well water are harmless and even good for your health. However, as with anything else, too much of anything is not good for you. As the levels increase, the same substances can change the taste of the water and potentially make the water unhealthy for consumption.

In addition to naturally occurring elements, man-made chemicals and organics, such as bacteria, can also be picked up in the water as it travels to your well.

Discharges from factories, pesticides applied on farms and nursery and even chemicals used by homeowners, can be a source of contamination. The EPA has established guidelines for some of the contaminants found in drinking water.

The National Primary Drinking Water Standards were developed to set safe levels for contaminants that cause health issues such as disease, cancer or illness. These standards are mandatory for public water supply systems, but not on private water systems.

The National Secondary Drinking Water Standards are guidelines for regulating contaminants that more nuisance or aesthetic in nature. These contaminants can affect the taste, color or odor of the water. They can also cause stains on surfaces, clothes and sometimes skin or teeth.

These standards are non-enforceable guidelines recommended by the EPA to water systems but do not require systems to comply. However, some states may choose to use them as enforceable standards. This information is helpful in reading and interpreting your water report.

In the event you live in an area of Torrington Connecticut where you get your water from a private well as opposed to a public water supply, water testing services are important to your health.

Do you want to be sure you, your family and your pests are drinking safe water?

What contaminants are lurking in your water supply? Once you receive your results and understand what you’re dealing with, you will be able to be at ease.

We offer specialized water testing services in your area, along with the great customer care. “Near me, today?” you ask. Yes. Reliable and accurate water analysis to suit your needs and grant you the piece of mind you deserve.


"Water quality testing near me in Torrington CT?" Yes. Schedule your appointment now. Call today 888-558-1574. Thank you.

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